Sunday, June 1, 2008

In the Oughties

In the movie "The Music Man", starring Robert Preston, Prof. Harold Hill claims to have graduated in the class of "ought-five." Sounds good to me - we're living in the Oughts.

Maybe we're in the Ought-to's. As in, we ought to...

-use our incredible affluence to feed the world's hungry instead of buying expensive disposables...

- explain to our kids how to distinguish between right and wrong instead of letting relativism muddy the moral air...

- realize that entertainment, like sugar candy, is only healthy according to its quality and scarcity...

- stop holding up the President of USA up as a role model, hero-big-brother who's gonna take care of us; instead, treat him as what he or she is--a guy in an 8-year job with limited powers and then she's outta there, and that anyone who's a citizen can and should perform the job as a duty, not an ego trip...

- stop worshipping celebrities...

- de-sensualize our culture.

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