Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Graphic Novels Presentation

I just got home after making a Keynote (Macintosh version of PowerPoint) presentation at the Oak Bluffs library, on graphic novels. I've been researching this since about January and so I feel a sense of completion, asking myself 'what next?' 
The research was fun and interesting. I presented a variety of different works by different artists, but definitely made my favorites known. About 15 people attended and the library provided snacks and drinks. 
I had some technical issues to overcome. This was my first time using a projector; I *thought* I knew what to do, but surprises popped up and I had to handle them. 
Also a page from a Donald Duck comic. And another cover of a Korean manga. And one of The Rabbi's Cat, which is the best of the lot in my humble opinion (IMHO) and very encouraging to me when I begin my own graphic novel. More later...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Baltimore Oriole and the Barn Owl

Raining today on the Vineyard, but we visited our house under construction and took photographs of the interior to show electric and plumbing wires and pipes. Because insulation will be going in next week. 
Later we went to Felix Neck, wildlife sanctuary, for a bird walk to spot Baltimore Orioles. With the rain heavy at times, there wasn't a big turnout, but the small group went anyway. The sanctuary's birdfolk had salted the area with orange halves, a favorite for the birds. 
None were in sight, so we ambled around an acre or so, looking at what we could see. I felt like an unworthy hangeron, because my wife and the other participants were experienced bird watchers, could identify birds by their calls. Sometimes I couldn't even hear the call because I haven't yet learned how to focus my ears, as it were.

Then, as we returned to the main cabin, one of our group said "There!"
And there it was, feeding on an orange atop a post. We fixed our binoculars and fed our eyes on its wonderful orange colors.
We didn't have our camera but I found a shot online that's very like what we saw.

Then we went inside the cabin and watched a computer screen that showed video feed from a barn owl nest atop the cabin. Several small barn owls huddled together, one preening.
And here's a barn owl photo.

A very satisfactory day, all in all. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Movie By Me

and wife Penny contributed to it too, as did our daughter Debbie, who was the camera person. The Zen story I found somewhere, storyboarded it (a piece of that is at the end) and then persuaded wife and daughter to join me in making the movie. I apologize for my really hammy acting. You can see it here:

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Where's Home?

For 30+ years the we lived in one house in Green Village, NJ. A year ago we sold that house and (by November) moved to Martha's Vineyard. Our house here is still under construction. So, last week we drove down to visit friends in Green Village and after 5 days we said, "...ready to go Home now" meaning on the Vineyard. Didn't take long to make the mental switch. Perhaps because in our fantasies we've been living fulltime on the Vineyard for many years.

We loved the visit. Springtime hit while we were there and everything was gorgeous. We stayed in a friend's cottage (Thanks, Judy!) beside a lovely pond, visited by Canada Geese and some ducks. Even (maybe especially) during the frequent rains, the scene outside was great to look at. The geese were funny because they take themselves so seriously (like humans). (The geese have adopted New Jersey as their "Palm Beach", no longer choosing to migrate back to the Northern Wilds of Canada.)

One guy goose honked almost continually as if asserting he was Lord of the Pond. He seemed to be saying that his mate was the most gorgeous goose on Earth and no other male better make eyes at her. (They mate for life.) Once I saw him do a Threatening Rush--wings outstretched, neck snapping--at another goose who turned away.

And then, on our last morning, we saw two geese sail out, followed by 4 goslings. Nice trip. But we're back Home now.