Monday, October 26, 2009

Excessive Sleepiness

I've been a sleepin-in guy since at least college when I didn't dare sign up for an 8 a.m. class because I'd miss it too often.
I think some of that oversleeping may have been because of watching too much b&w television, though.
And when post-grad I got a job that required me to be at work by 8, I got there, despite watching too much tv/
Now, in forced retirement, living in a new home in a new community, this is my daily routine:
wake between 5 & 6. Exercise a bit. Eat a bowl of cereal while reading online comix... and then, nap. After the nap I wake feeling refreshed especially if there's sunshine.
But why the nap? It's a precious time for me, because by 7:30 my head is buzzing with sleepiness.
This morning I had to be careful going downstairs from the office to the bedroom because I was worried I'd fall asleep in mid-step.

Monday, October 5, 2009

liberal/conservative hate

OK; the hatred issue. Time to put it down.

Liberals are currently acting as if hatred against a sitting president is brand new. They thought they had a Teflon president, but apparently he's not.

The way liberals hated Richard Nixon and George W. Bush helped set the standard for presidential hatred, and now they're reaping the benefits of what they accomplished.

Not that the Republicans are innocent--they're not. But don't pretend there isn't a history here as complex and long-standing as any feud.

Where did it begin? With Lincoln? No, before that even.

And each generation of haters produces the next, each more dedicated than the previous one to roiling the waters, playing havoc with civil peace, challenging the Constitution by stretching "freedom of speech" to its utmost.

As long as people believe that hatred is a positive force, this will go on.

We should teach in schools this truth, as a poet or philosopher has said: "Hatred is a poison that a person consumes in the hope that it will hurt someone else."

Hatred always turns on the hater, and the only defense is to stop hating.

Friday, October 2, 2009

why I love to write

...I realized this the other day as I was writing and a New Thought emerged.
Not one I'd had previously.
New things come out when I just let go and write.
It's like focused thinking and it uncovers secret good thoughts.
Everyone should do it (write). Best way to find out what you're really thinking.