Monday, July 13, 2009

Funny But True

Penny and I had 6 people to dinner last nite, to inaugurate our new dining room table that easily seats 8.

During the meal, all vegetarian and delicious, one guy asked me what movies I like (I'd seen him earlier perusing our DVD shelf) and I responded: "Shooting, things blowing up, guys running after other guys."

They chuckled over that and then he asked me, "What's your favorite movie?"

I responded: "Lassie Come Home."

And that's the truth.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

to Christina

Dear Christina:
   I had no idea you have been in such bad shape, but I believe wholeheartedly that you'll come out of it. Everytime I do a crunch or other exercise I'm gonna dedicate it to you.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I woke from my second nap this morning feeling dissatisfied with myself. Because I haven't had a real book published yet after years of writing them. A good old friend kind of pushed me into this because he wants to publish a lifetime bibliography of my work. All that could go into it would be assignments I've performed for others, nothing of myself.

I've wasted two years letting everyone know how miserable I am and now I'm fat and out of shape and I want to change things... profoundly. I intend to pull myself out of this mood and mode.

I've already begun. 

More later, I hope. Let's see if this New Me can make the changes necessary.

Island Chorus

We just finished our Island Chorus commitment for this summer (it begins again in September, when we'll probably have a major, complex, difficult song to sing for Christmas). 
The July 3 concert was easy and more relaxed. I discovered something--even if I don't learn all the right notes, I can still participate.
I do it by opening my mouth but not actually giving voice in those sections where I don't know the notes and my neighbors on each side are singing different notes (as when I'm stuck between First and Second Basses). 
But on the places where I know the notes and feel confident, I blast it out. 
This is probably a formula for Life As We Live It.