Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hippies on Martha's Vineyard

The longer we live here on Martha's Vineyard--one year, as of Halloween--the more pleased and surprised I am by the year-round inhabitants. Few easy characterizations except: 
In general, the voting adults seem "liberal" in the good, old-fashioned, sense. 
There are a lot of single moms. 
Lots of community activism and volunteers. 
Many people work two jobs. 
I feel more comfortable here than I have in some other places I've lived; tho I tend, as a writer who sits with his computer most of the time, to be fairly comfy everywhere, here I'm comfy when I'm away from the computer.
Couple weeks ago we went to a "Buy Local" fair at the Agricultural Hall up-Island in Tisbury. It's a semi-rural atmosphere, still, and many of the folks and especially the kids are comfortable in rural surroundings. Here's a young girl (named, as I recall, tho I didn't write it down, "Pearl") whose father let me photograph her long long hair.

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