Everyone sees the world in her or his own way, from within her own particularity. So I make no apologies if my way of seeing the world differs in small or large ways from your insights--to use a well-worn phrase: it is what it is.
Weltanschauung, the Germanic phrase that defines it.
So if you have two witnesses for an event, you could easily get two different narratives about what happened. I can guarantee I would tell you a different story than what someone else would say.
For one thing, I'm contrary. When people try to suck me into a political discussion I can always easily assume the role of the opposition--if you speak Tea Party, I'll speak up for the liberal side of each issue. And vice versa. To me, both extremes are equally ridiculous in that both pretend that the other can't be a real person, cannot have a valid point of view. Is it possible that both sides can be equally right and wrong?
For the most part I use protective coloration. Like that chameleon, I can pretend to agree with you on most any issue. I just want to be quiet and agreeable because I've never won an argument because I'm not a true believer.
I do believe in a few things that few others do: that God exists and is all good and is love and will take care of me and those I love.