Monday, December 22, 2008

Great New Dog!

Here's our great new ex-Seeing Eye shepherd, named River. He's posing beside our stuffed shepherd "Buddy". 

Now we can say of our home, "A River runs through it."

He's very patient and understanding, and a fresh coating of his fur is everywhere in the home.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Silence Becomes Me

I've been writing "stuff"--stories, reportage, etc.--ever since I could spell, but in the past year or so I've been silenced. Our dear "keeper" Shepherd, Prudence, passed on in Feb. 2007 and I'm thinking perhaps that was the silencer put on my loud mouth. 

But yesterday a phone call from The Seeing Eye told us we could adopt a 5-yr-old Shepherd; it took us maybe half an hour to decide YES, and next week we drive down to NJ to claim him. 

As he helps us recover from our caninical loss, perhaps I'll recover my literary voice.

We shall see.